Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Good Morning "Team Monk" !!!! It's been about three weeks since my last blog, need to get over that bump in the road I've been fighting for the past Month. As of my last blog, I haven't got on the scale, but that's not the only thing I haven't done. I have not been putting myself first once again which is why I found myself gaining all my weight back the first go around several years ago. On a positive note, my goal was to drop like 30 pounds in 25 days, it can be done ... but you have to work hard and stay focused which I didn't do neither. I'm okay with that because I didn't gain weight as of this morning. Now is my time again to realize how close I am to reaching so many goals that Ive been working so hard towards. One thing is for sure, I'm not going to worry about making big goals anymore. The way I see it is if I can worry about each small goal then they will all turn into that big goal down the road. Need to worry about walking first before running and that's what I'm not doing by trying to set goals like I have been. My new goal is simple, just have a good week in the gym and eating right. Then repeat this for the next week over and over and before long it will turn into a  Month.

I really don't have much to say right now, talk is cheap !!! My point is I can blog all day about what I need to do, but talking about it and doing it are two different things. I need to just shut up and sweat !!!!! I do want to take the time and let everyone know that I'm still here and still fighting this fight against obesity. Today I'm spending the day with my son, yesterday hits home for me and many others as a father decided to take his life along with his own family where I live in Owings Maryland. Life is to short everyone, enjoy every minute you have with your loved ones and let's all make sure we concentrate on our health so we can spend many more years with them. Until next Tuesday, everyone go spend time with your loved ones and take this journey one step/day at a time !!! I promise you it won't be easy but definitely will be worth it. Until next Tuesday, i'm going to shut up and just do it !!!!

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