Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Good evening "Team Monk" !!!!! If you noticed I missed last Tuesday for the first time in Months because I was frustrated with myself. I guess you can say me not doing my blog was away of me trying to hide from the truth. This Tuesday was even worse, so I'm going to blog about my past two weeks and hope this helps me find that determination that Ive lost. Like my cousin told me, hard work pays off and if it was easy we would all be skinny. That's the truth, Ive got so many e-mails and text about everyone being so inspired with me for the work and success Ive had, but the truth is I still struggle and have hard times myself. We are all human and have our ups and downs and over the past two weeks Ive been in a major funk and need to figure how to get myself out of it.

Whats crazy is Ive worked so hard and ate so good for a Month to see only a few pounds lost, but since Saturday at 6pm I gained over 12 pounds, this is crazy !!!! The first week I got on the scale on Saturday and noticed I lost 7 pounds and then that Tuesday gained it all back with a extra pound. Then this week I weigh myself Saturday and lost 0.4 pounds and got on the scale this morning to see over 12 pounds gained. It takes so much to drop the weight but a blink of an eye to pack it on. I'm not going to lie to myself, after the way Ive been eating the past two weeks I probably deserve to gain this weight. It's been out of control the past two weeks with me falling back into a lot of my bad habits that made me hit that over 550 pound mark that Ive worked so hard to loose. Not sure whats going on in my mind, but Ive been in a major emotionally and physically funk the past two weeks. I can tell you that I'm not going to give up, tomorrow is a new day and it's another fresh start for me to get myself back on the right track because as you can see it doesn't take long for weight to creep back on you. Ive lost over 160 pounds and I will be dam if all the hard work, sweet, and tears i put forth goes down the drain. One thing Ive noticed is that Ive been out of contact with the wonderful people Ive surrounded myself with called a support group. Another big issue is that Ive skipped meals and have become over Hungary and then my mind tells me to eat anything i can get my hands on, unfortunately Ive noticed this food hasn't been healthy over the past two weeks. Ive caught myself eating just to eat .....it's been crazy the way Ive been eating over the past two weeks. I am not going to sit here and make excuses because that's BS ....their is NO EXCUSE the way Ive been acting over the past few weeks. My new goal is to just take it day by day .... I'm just worried about having one good day then another and the results will follow. My goal was to drop another 50 pounds, but Ive learned that my goal now is to just get myself under control again and get my head back on the main goal here, that's to live a healthy lifestyle.

My knee ... not sure what is going on, but my left knee has been hurting me more now then when I was at the resort, been holding me back from working out the way I have. However, that's still not an excuse and I can still do something to stay active. One thing Ive done is drink nothing but water, but I have had a few cock tails since being home. The Summer is here which doesn't make it easy when you have vacations, weekend get aways, cookouts or just a night out on the town. I'm not going to stop doing any of the following, but I defiantly will start making better choices because their is no reason I can't be successful and still enjoy the summer days/nights. Until next Tuesday, please continue to support me as I work through this funk I'm having. Like I told you guys before, you all inspire me just as much as you say I inspire you ....now is the time I need that wonderful support system Ive surrounded myself with to give me a good kick in the ass.

It was nice talking with my boy Dan today, glad to hear he is going back to finsih what he started with an additional 5 weeks at the resort. I must say it's very hard when you get home, it's so easy too fall off the wagon at home. Like Ive said before .....it's not how you fall but how you get back up. We are going to see just how strong I am as Ive hit rock bottom again this past two weeks. Until my next blog, everyone stay focused and keep working hard.


  1. Hi Monk! I'm sorry to hear you have been in a funk lately but do not be so hard on yourself. You have come a long way and you are not done. There will be ups and down through this journey but you are a tough cookie. I have no doubt in my mind that you will push through this. You gained a few pounds, yes it sucks and it is a setback but that you are able to recognize and accept where you've been slacking off is a great thing because you can take charge and be in control. There is nothing easy about this journey, the toughest part is the emotional part of it, once we figure that out everything else will fall in place. Believe me I know about being in a funk, I am there quite often myself. I have the bull by the horn and than some stressful event happens in my life (and believe me I have A LOT of those), one after another and I lose focus, motivation, drive. Worry and stress take over and it takes me days, weeks, months to pick myself back up. All I can do is hang in there and hope for the best, pray for the best. HANG IN THERE MONK!!! Do not worry about the people who are looking up to you because this is about you not them. You have to do you one day at a time, one choice at a time. Other's need to find their own motivation and strength from within, you cannot carry their weight on your back. I know you have big goals and want to lose big #'s but sometimes less is more. Maybe focus on smaller goals, like 2 lbs. a week, 5 lbs. a month............ At the end of a year that will add up. Also, if you have health insurance have you checked if your insurance covers a nutritionist/dietician? Maybe start seeing one. I just found out my ins is covering it now so I am going to try that to see if it helps me.

    YOU CAN DO THIS MONK!!! You proofed it to yourself at the resort when you pushed through knee pain and did not let that stop you from kicking ass. Please go to a doctor about your knee, he can maybe prescribe some good knee support.........................

  2. Monk, as everyone has said in previous comments , you are only human and be proud of what you have accomplished and use that as a motivator, remember how you feel when you are on the right track and how you feel when you are not. It would be nice to bottle up those feelings and take them out to remind us to do or not to make certain choices. You kicked but at the resort and gace it your all, you were probably at the emotional high for those 5 weeks and after your returned home, I'm sure it takes a toll on a person to go through everything you have expereinced. Just rememeber, today is today and tom. is a new day. You can do this. Just take it one step at a time and remember we are all here for each other and to lend a helping hand. SMILE YOU ARE AWESOME:)
